Reflexivity Code

Instead of using human language full of metaphors, I wanted to express my thoughts on the reflexivity process in code. I hope its precision would deliver the message more concisely than writing long paragraphs.

States are a reduction of all that we can observe. States can be compared.

protocol State {
   static func compare(_ left: State, _ right: State) -> Progress

Goals are a hypothetical state. Results are actual states as observed.

typealias Goal: State
typealias Result: State

Reflexivity is the act of modifying an activity.

protocol Reflexive {
   func reflex(_ activity: Activity) -> Activity 

Timeboxes can be used to allocate attention wholly to each phase of the PDCA cycle.

protocol Timeboxed {
   var phase: Phase
   async func updatePhase()

An activity is an effort to yield results. Its goal and initial conditions are mutable.

protocol Activity {
   var goal: Goal
   var start: State
   func act() -> Result

Scrum is a reflexive timeboxed activity that hosts a core activity.

class Scrum: Reflexive, Timeboxed, Activity {
   var coreActivity: Activity

   var previousState: State?
   var currentState: State

   var goal: Goal

   var phase: Phase
   var improvements: [Improvement]

   // Apply improvements and set goals based on progress
   func reflex(_ activity: Activity) -> Activity {
      guard let previousState else { return activity }
      var nextActivity = copy(activity)
      let progress =, currentState)
      if let improvement = improvements.pop() {
         nextActivity.state = currentState + improvements.pop()
      nextActivity.goal = currentState + progress
      return nextActivity

   func act() -> Result {
      // Review
      previousState = currentState
      // Planning
      goal = plan(coreActivity)
      // Sprint
      while (phase == .sprint) {
         currentState = coreActivity.act()
      // Retrospective
      coreActivity = reflex(coreActivity)
      return currentState

   async func updatePhase() { ... }

Thus, it can reflex on itself; and it should. See Scrumming the Scrum

class MetaScrum: Reflexive, Activity   {
   var coreActivity: Scrum

Mastery is also a reflexive activity, but it fixates on scope instead of time.

class Mastery: Reflexive, Activity {
   var coreActivity: Activity
   var goal: Goal
   var start: State
   var results: [Result]

   var improvements: [Improvement]

   // Apply improvements if any
   func reflex(_ activity: Activity) -> Activity {
      var nextActivity = copy(activity)
      if let improvement = improvements.pop() {
         nextActivity.start = activity.start + improvements.pop()
      return nextActivity

   // Acquire repeated instances of satisfactory results, however long it takes.
   func act() -> Result {
      while (isSatisfactory(results, goal)) {
         do {
            coreActivity = reflex(coreActivity)
         } while (results.last <= coreActivity.goal)
      return results.last

What does it mean to be a Scrum Master? It means to practice Scrum until repeated satisfactory results have been accumulated on a complex core activity.